About us
I'm James, he's Adam. In 2015, we met working in the same office. In 2016, we climbed our first hill.
The more we walked, the more we noticed a lot of sites with hiking routes were old (like, IE6 old), didn't work for mobile phones and were lacking decent images to really show off what our countryside has to offer. We weren't really all that happy about it.
We've always had compliments about our photos, and plenty of friends told us how much they wished they could go hiking. Which surprised us, because they could quite easily.
One thing led to another and because we had zero adult supervision we decided to combine our love of hiking (which we were doing anyway) with our photography and add some free routes you could easily follow.
We hope we can inspire you to get out there and get strolling!
Who we are
Northern Stroll is the pinnacle of what happens when two Northern blokes with a shared passion and no sounding board decide to go all in on a hobby after years of disappearing into the hills on a weekend trying to escape 'desk life'.
Over three years later, we have covered most of the UK's major peaks, taken on challenges like the Yorkshire 3 Peaks and filled our Instagram feeds with photos that give us the reputation of seasoned mountain folk.
Sadly, we aren't and the internet always lies. But the routes we planned are still great, and you generally don't need to be a knarly bearded man with calves the size of small trees to get started.

Photographer, drone pilot and Chief Content Officer. Adam tends to take photos, whilst James navigates. (You can see his other work here).

What is Northern Stroll?
With altitude-induced delirium we set about playing around with names on one of our walks, eventually riffing on 'Northern Soul'; a style of music popular the 60's that borrowed from Motown, with a heavy beat and fast tempo.
Just like our walks.
(Full of soul, fast pace and heavy going!)
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