Thanks for taking a look at Northern Stroll, the idea born from a long walk-induced delirium that some people somewhere might actually be interested in what we get up to on the weekend. (Because Instagram likes, am I right?)

We built Northern Stroll to be a home for our walks and photos. If we inspire just one of you to pick up a map and follow our routes (and have a good time), we'll be over the moon.
All our routes are built on an app called Viewranger. Viewranger is a free app (with paid elements) using OpenSource maps that allow you to either follow routes made for you by other people, or planning, recording and following your own.
It is possible to get our routes on other apps (and other apps are available) but we got used to using this one. If you want one of our GPX files, just ask.
We've made a gallery of some of our favourites we will be adding to over time, so if nothing else subscribe to the blog so you know when new routes are published. If you're itching to get started however, take a look at one of our existing routes, and get outdoors.
And if you want to keep up with us day to day, head on over to the 'gram for daily hike-spiration. (If that isn't a thing, it is now).